About the Project

The Aboriginal Boreal Conservation Leaders Project consists of two partnering components: the Aboriginal Boreal Conservation Leaders series, and a volunteer/employment recruitment program.
Aboriginal Boreal Conservation Leaders series
The series highlights Aboriginal leaders in boreal forest conservation through a series of personal interest stories.
Volunteer/Employment Recruitment Program
The second component of the project consists of constructing a volunteer/employment recruitment program focused primarily on attracting Aboriginal individuals to engage in Manitoba boreal forest conservation efforts.
The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) Manitoba chapter presently offers a variety of positions in areas such as education programming, research, and grassroots distribution. CPAWS also partners with other Manitoba non-profit organizations to ensure that we can locate opportunities for applicants based on their interests and skill sets.
Project Purpose
Manitoba’s huge forest regions offer a tremendous global conservation opportunity. However, many time-limited opportunities are at risk of being compromised or lost forever unless provincial boreal forest conservation organizations grow in number and capacity.
CPAWS believes that more successfully engaging Manitoba’s Aboriginal population in volunteerism and employment in this field is key to achieving a healthy future for Manitoba where all our natural regions are adequately represented with protected areas.
As Manitoba’s boreal forests consist of a primarily Aboriginal population, conservation efforts benefit greatly from the knowledge and experience of individuals who have lived and breathed community life in Manitoba’s northern boreal. Incorporating this first hand connection with the landscape and its culture is a fundamental component to ensuring that goals and strategies of boreal protection efforts are respectful, appropriate, and effective.
We believe the Aboriginal Leaders in Boreal Forest Conservation Project will increase Aboriginal involvement in Manitoba boreal conservation efforts. We have faith this initiative will lead to increased bodies and capacity in existing boreal focused organizations that will be followed by the birth of new and much needed entities to tackle awaiting opportunities.