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Fisher River Cree Nation election results

September 16th, 2009

CPAWS wishes to congratulate all the candidates who ran in the August 19th election in Fisher River. Fisher River Cree Nation is working to establish a First Nation designed and co-managed provincial park on the south basin of Lake Winnipeg. The park will respect and uphold all Treaty rights and access for traditional activities while protecting the natural setting from industrial developments.

Chief David Crate, Councilor Carl Cochrane, Councilor Dion McKay, and Councilor Darrel Thaddeus. Councilor Vince Crate was unavailable for the photograph.

Chief David Crate, Councilor Carl Cochrane, Councilor Dion McKay, and Councilor Darrel Thaddeus. Councilor Vince Crate was unavailable for the photograph.

To find out more about Fisher River Cree Nation’s quest for a provincial park –

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